Saturday, February 23, 2013

With Love

Sister McArthur,
You have been my Stake Choir director for most of my life.  :)  I  have countless fond memories of our Stake Choir rehearsals and performances. I have loved meeting and creating friendships with so many talented people over the years. 
Sister McArthur, you have a knack for teaching the technical aspects of music without making them tedious or frustrating. You have the ability to make singing fun and spiritual almost simultaneously.
I loved singing in the choir as a youth. It was exciting to learn new music and to be part of  a choir with such amazing results. You helped to cultivate my love for music. You helped  me to grow in my confidence as a choir member, and as a person. You helped me to learn to recognize the feelings of the Spirit in the music that we sang , and to learn to find my own personal reasons for singing.
After getting married and coming back to Augusta, it was wonderful to be able to participate in the choir as a couple. Beau says, " Thanks for putting up with my shenanigans." :)  
In particular,  I have  absolutely loved singing "Consider the Lilies" and the spirit and comfort that those words and music brought to our minds. The Easter selections have always been my favorite because of their thoughtfully selected messages of hope through the Atonement. It has been difficult to make it through those performances without shedding tears. 

Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of such an amazing group. Thank you for your vision and leadership. Thank you for the countless hours that you have devoted to this choir over the years. Thank you for the wonderful memories. Thank you for your love. We love you. :)

Shellie and Beau Person

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