Monday, February 18, 2013

My entire life has been filled with your music.  And 2/3rds of my life, I have watched you and participated with you as you have brought beautiful music to the Augusta Georgia Stake!  Back in the day, when the stake was still small, I remember being so excited to turn 14 and participate in my first Easter musical presentation!  And luckily, as the stake grew, I just barely made the age cut off for each consecutive performance and stake/regional conference!  Being your daughter, I know exactly how much work and effort you put into everything musical you were responsible for.  Hours upon hours upon hours of preparation!  You made it possible for a bunch of amateurs to sing Mormon Tabernacle Choir music and not just sing it....but sing it like pros! 

I know if I have a favorite experience....or song...I have several....but just to name a few...My first Easter presentation....We sang "Were You There", "When I Survey the Wonderous Cross"...and so much more!  My favorite songs...."Come, Come Ye Saints", "Come Thou Fount", "Cindy", "His Voice as a Sound"...I can't even think of half of the ones I loved singing!  I truly loved every That's Entertainment!  You gave me my first taste of Eliza Doolittle on stage!

I am so grateful for the experiences and opportunities you gave me through your calling.  I learned sooooooo much from you....and I still do!  I love you so much and am excited to see what amazing things you will continue to do! 


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