Sunday, February 24, 2013

Thank You


Being part of your choir has been an amazing experience for me.  In fact, if it weren't for your choir and it's awesomeness, Cody may have never found a way to invite me down to Aiken and we would never have been married, and I wouldn't have Nicholas, Emma, Ainsley, or Abby and Cody would still be living at home with you.  So, not only have you blessed my life, but yours and J Vaun's as well, which is only fair considering the time you've put in(you deserve to be as blessed by choir as the rest of us).

Unfortunately, you have only fostered my snobbery.  Ever since my high school choir experience, I had struggled to find a choir to sing with that didn't embarrass me to stand up with them.  I had almost given up hope and was days away from lowering my almighty standard when I first heard your choir.  Now, 9 years, 11 months and 2 days later, I am as uppity as ever.

One of the highlights for me has been seeing you behind the scenes, weeks before rehearsal, choosing just the right music, and going the extra mile to make recordings and practice with accompanists.  Your dedication has inspired me to be more selective in the things I do for the Lord.  To consider each job he has asked me to do, and to really do my best to determine what and how He would have me do it.  And like your choir, the results are always superior.  Thank you for your amazing example of how to magnify your calling.  It has been an honor to watch you operate.

Love, love,
Amy Elaine McArthur
(your favorite-in-law)

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